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JAH Intellectual Property

Jehad Al Hassan
Jehad Al Hassan
Old Salata, Almeena Street, Golden Tower, No. 42, 2nd Floor, Office No. 4
P. O. Box 24955 Doha
Qatar (QA)
Tel +974 446 21 385/662 95 116/661 45 210
Fax + 974 446 26 753

Since 1985, JAH & CO. IP has stablished an extensive list of clients ranging from individuals and small businesses, to large multinational companies and organizations.

The Intellectual Property practice at JAH & CO. IP has been developed over the years to be able to offer clients the highest level of expertise in dealing with issues confronting clients, as changes in technology takes their toll in our ever-changing environment.

JAH & CO. IP based in Doha, Qatar, the crossroads of the Middle East and one of the busiest hubs, with partners, associates and agents in about 70 countries worldwide, JAH & CO. IP regards the client’s goal, the competitive climate, and the application of legal principles as top priority.

JAH & CO. IP offers a wide-range of innovative services through its own operating offices which includes among others:

- Registration of trademarks, patents, designs and copyrights.
- Providing legal advice and counsel on assignments and licensing and other intellectual property protection related matters.
- Conducting full availability searches and providing a legal opinion on the registrability of trademarks.
- Lodging oppositions and appeals and relative proceedings.
- Maintenance of intellectual property titles by effecting renewals and annuities.
- Conducting watch services for published trademarks and patents.
- Undertaking infringements actions and relative proceedings.
- Registration and maintenance of domain names.

To further help protect the clients’ trademark, JAH & CO. IP offers a “Trademark Watch Services” The Trademark Watch Service Comprises a thorough screening of the Official Gazettes Throughout the Arab World to find trademarks similar or identical to those of the client, after which a full report is provided in sufficient time for an opposition to be lodged. JAH & CO. IP has also introduced the “Trademark infringement Services” whereby local markets are intensively surveyed for registered and unregistered labels imitating those of the owner. If the comprehensive searches lead to any such offending marks, a detailed report including JAH & CO. IP suggestion is provided.
In additions to supervising and coordinating the performances of our own offices, our Head Office in Qatar undertakes the registration of trademarks, patents, designs and copyrights and providing other intellectual property related services all over the Arab World through our associates.

Local Expertise:

Qatar (QA)