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Trademark Licensing Guide

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Trademark Licensing Guide The handbook "Trademark Licensing" is a useful practitioner’s guide for brand owners when commercializing their intellectual property rights internationally. The handbook provides practical information on trademark licensing in more than 164 countries.

What is the content of this guide?
An overview on proceedings, requirements and effectiveness in each country will be given and the rights and obligations of the brand owner and its licensee will be outlined. Amongst others, the following questions will be answered:

  • Is there a specific form required for a licence agreement?
  • Is it permitted to license the use of unregistered trademarks?
  • Does the sale of a registered trademark terminate a licence?
  • Are there statutory provisions or common law principles prescribing the terms of licensing?
  • Is a licence required to be recorded with the Trademark Office or other authority?
  • When does a licence become effective against third parties?
  • What is the licensee’s legal position in infringement proceedings?

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