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Sophie Peat
Sophie Peat
89 Nexus Way
KY1-9009 Camana Bay
Cayman Islands (KY)
Tel +1 345 949 9876
Fax +1 345 949 9877

Ogier is a law firm that gets straight to the point, managing complexity to get to the essentials. It is a collaborative approach. Our global network of offices covers every time zone.

Ogier’s IP team acts across the full spectrum of Intellectual Property rights, including brands and trade marks, copyright, industrial designs and patents, specialising in multi-jurisdictional IP clearance, prosecution, exploitation and enforcement.

Partner Sophie Peat spearheads Ogier’s global Intellectual Property (IP) group bringing over a decade of top tier international experience to her practice, which encompasses the clearance, prosecution, exploitation and enforcement of the full suite of IP rights, including brands and trade marks, copyright, industrial designs and patents, throughout the world. Sophie is widely recognised as a seasoned expert in IP protection across the Caribbean and in offshore financial centres, carefully guiding clients through this diverse and sometimes difficult to navigate terrain with her in-depth knowledge. Clients appreciate her proactive, comprehensive, and resolute approach.

Ogier is a member of the International Trademark Association (INTA) and MARQUES.