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Harmsen Utescher
Till E. LampelNeuer Wall 80
20354 Hamburg
Germany (DE)
Tel +49 40 376 909 0
Fax +49 40 376 909 99
www.harmsen.utescher.comHarmsen Utescher, founded in 1895, is one of Germany's most experienced and respected IP boutiques. The firm is known for its high-quality litigation and consulting services. Harmsen Utescher has one of the largest trademark prosecution departments in Germany, representing some of the most widely recognized national and international trademark owners.
We represent our clients not only before the German Patents and Trademark Office, but also before the EU Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) and the European Patent Office and of course before the German Courts (including the Federal Patent Court) and the European Courts, such as the General Court and the European Court of Justice (ECJ).
Apart from Trademarks and Patents, Harmsen Utescher covers all areas of intellectual property protection, including Unfair Competition Law, Copyright and Design Law, German and EU Antitrust Law, Pharmaceutical and Medical Products Law, Food and Cosmetics Law, IT and Data Protection Law and Media, Sports and Distribution Law.
This broad specification within IP enables Harmsen Utescher’s attorneys to look at portfolios and cases from all legal perspectives and to consider every procedural option for the enforcement and protection of client's rights in Europe and globally.