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Issue 8/24 (September 2024)

Australia Fee changes from 1 October 2024 read more

Haiti IP Office reopens under new management read more

Indonesia Non-use cancellation period extended read more

Iraq To adopt the 11th edition of the Nice Classification read more

Libya Trademarks Office resumes filing new trademark applications read more

Paraguay Joins DesignClass read more

Philippines Payment of Issuance & Publication Fees Mandatory at the Time of Filing TM Renewal Request read more

Switzerland Swissreg to be completely modernised read more

Issue 7/24 (August 2024)

Argentina Changes to the TM Opposition Resolution Process Introduced read more

El Salvador New IP Law Introduced read more

Rwanda New IP Law Introduced read more

Taiwan Guidelines on Hearing Procedures for Trademark Dispute Cases Amended read more

Turkmenistan Last EAPO Country to Join the Mechanism of Registration of Eurasian Industrial Designs read more

Ukraine Martial Law Extended read more

United Kingdom Practice Update for Multi-item Design Registrations read more