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Okt 01, 2013 (Newsletter Issue 14/13)
New Zealand
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TM Practice Guideline Updated

IPONZ has updated the trade mark practice guidelines and maintain a trade mark explaining how a trade mark registration can be partially renewed.

Trade mark owners wanting to partially renew their trade marks will have two options: either alter their registered or expired but restorable trade mark by striking out classes of goods and services, or dividing their registered trade mark.

If the owner of the trade mark is certain they only wish to renew in a certain class or classes they should strike out the class or classes they do not wish to renew. The struck out class or classes will immediately cancel.

If the owner of the trade mark is uncertain which class they wish to renew they should divide the registration. The classes which they are uncertain if they wish to renew should be divided out into a separate trade mark registration. This would allow these classes to remain at expired but restorable status until the end of the one year period.

The request to alter or divide a trade mark can take up to 15 working days to be processed. Therefore, requests to alter or divide a trade mark should be made in advance of the renewal date of the trade mark registration.

For further information on the practice guidelines, please check here
