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Find in this directory law firms and IP consultancies which you may contact for legal services. The entries can be searched by name or by local expertise.

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Graf v. Westphalen
Frankfurt am Main, Germany (DE)
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Germany (DE) 
Harmsen Utescher
Hamburg, Germany (DE)
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Germany (DE) 
advohelp - Rechtsanwaltskanzlei
Wiesbaden, Germany (DE)
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Germany (DE) 
gabriel Rechtsanwälte
Kiel , Germany (DE)
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Germany (DE) 
Haudan IP
Düsseldorf, Germany (DE)
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Germany (DE) 
Kailuweit & Uhlemann Patentanwälte
Dresden, Germany (DE)
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Germany (DE) 
Kurz Pfitzer Wolf & Partner
Stuttgart, Germany (DE)
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Germany (DE) 
Lichtnecker & Lichtnecker Patent- und Rechtsanwaltspartnerschaft mbB
Eggenfelden, Germany (DE)
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Germany (DE) 
Mueller Recht und Marke
Heidelberg, Germany (DE)
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Germany (DE) 
Patentanwalt Dr. Andreas Killinger
München, Germany (DE)
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Germany (DE) 
Patworx Patent Attorneys
Munich, Germany (DE)
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Germany (DE) 
rwzh Rechtsanwälte
München, Germany (DE)
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Germany (DE) 
SCHÜTZ Rechtsanwälte
Karlsruhe, Germany (DE)
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Germany (DE) 

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Listings in the Index of Law Firms are made based on the information of the listed companies. The listing does not constitute a warranty of legal competence to practice or any professional qualification.