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Amendments to Trademark Laws

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Mrz 05, 2020 (Newsletter Issue 3/20)
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Requirements of Readable Types of Data Carriers

The DPMA informs about the requirements of the readable types of data carriers and the formats for the representation of trademarks (Sec. 6a Trade Mark Ordinance [Markenverordnung]).

The representations of trademarks which are filed via, or on a data carrier as an attachment to a paper-based application must fulfil certain Standards. Some of them are the following:
- Readable with no viruses or other malicious software
- Stored as a file on the root directory
- Maximum length of the file names is 32 characters
- Types of data carriers are CD-R, CD-RW, DVD-R, DVD+R, DVD-RW, DVD+RW

The file formats accepted depend on the type of trademark and the requirements for its appropriate representation. For some types of trademarks, only one file format is possible, for others the applicant may choose between several file formats. The following file formats are available for the individual types of trademarks:
- JPEG for all types of trademarks except for word marks and multimedia marks
- MP3 for sound marks and other types of trademarks
- MP4 for motion marks, multimedia marks, hologram marks and other types of trademarks
- JPEG, OBJ, STL, X3D for three-dimensional marks

It should be noted that the overall size of the files submitted on a data carrier, such as the representation of a trademark and any further attachments to the application form, must not exceed 20MB for a maximum of 20 files.

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